Blog for Practical Shopper Marketers

Infographic: Making Sense of Shopper Marketing Vendor Landscape

Written by OlgaYurovski | May 2, 2017 1:19:38 PM

Did you notice how many new vendors cold-called or e-mailed you in the last few weeks? Is it just me or is the world of shopper marketing exploding with new vendors and capabilities? Many shopper marketers are overwhelmed and annoyed by the constant barrage of sales pitches, yet also sense pressure to test, learn and experiment with new tactics that are popping up right and left. How do you make sense of the marketplace noise, find time and budget to test new tactics without completely burning out?

Our past blog post Shopper Marketing Vendor Management 101 was dedicated to this particular topic, and it resonated with readers and generated quite a bit of website traffic, so we decided to offer similar content in a fun infographic format.

Tell us in the comments section what you thought of the format and if you have suggestions for future infographic posts.
