Return on Investment, or ROI, is a metric that CPG marketers hear about a lot. However, despite its ubiquity, its definition is often inconsistent or unclear. Let’s demystify the ROI
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8 Features of a Great Shopper Marketing Plan
The discipline of CPG marketing has become more technical, complex, and dynamic than ever. Expectations for shopper marketing plans have also evolved.
8 U.S. Laws Shopper Marketers Should Know
There has always been tension between Marketing and Legal. Working with corporate lawyers can be frustrating. They seem to say no to so many of our great ideas; they poke holes in our creative and copy; they scrutinize our packaging design and...
Before You Quit Your Corporate Career - 8 Lessons
Almost nine years ago, I left my cushy career in CPG marketing to start a tech company. I quit "cold turkey", without any premeditation, a business plan, or a clear idea of how to move forward.
5 Ways ChatGPT Helps Shopper Marketers
Are you tired of hearing about ChatGPT yet? It seems like everyone is talking about it these days. ChatGPT has so many applications, both for personal and professional life! Today, I wanted to share how shopper marketers in the CPG industry can take...
5 Ways Marketing Planning Software Pays For Itself
Buying software has always been a complex process in a CPG enterprise. In my almost nine years of selling B2B productivity software, I found the hardest part of closing the deal is not getting my foot in the door to do an initial exploratory call or...
Why Marketing Ops should be your next career move
Shopper marketing has always been an ambiguous place in terms of career planning. Unlike in traditional brand, sales or finance roles, shopper marketing almost never has a clear career path paved in front of them. This is unfortunate because the...
Data Harmonization - Why Should Shopper Marketers Care?
The 5 Love Languages of Shopperations Users 🥰
It's the middle of February, and love is in the air. So we wanted to take this opportunity to share a few words of love and gratitude to our users.
4 Reasons Why Shopper Marketers Dread Planning Post-COVID
We are in the middle of July, a time when many CPG shopper marketers are rolling up their sleeves to prepare for national sales meetings, a big part of which is putting together preliminary marketing plans. This planning process is intended to align...