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After more than 15 years in Consumer Packaged Goods industry, I became a software entrepreneur. Today, I design and sell Shopperations, a web-based, collaborative planning software for Marketers on both CPG and Retail sides, to enable transparency, accountability and stronger Shopper Marketing promotional analytics. I am passionate about all things Retail and Shopper Marketing, love reading about Neuroscience progress as it relates to shopper research, and care about process improvement and marketing automation technology.

Recent Posts


How To Juggle A CPG Marketing Career With A Startup Side Hustle

When I started the “CPGers Who Rock It As Entrepreneurs” blog and podcast series, I focused on the people who left the corporate world entirely to start a new venture. Imagine my surprise when I learned that there is a different way to go about...

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CPGers Who Rock It As Entrepreneurs - Josh Bruns Interview

From being a Shopper Marketer at top CPG companies, to sales leader at a rapidly growing digital media company andalso becoming a startup entrepreneur... Josh Bruns has been on an unorthodox but exciting journey.

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How Shopper Marketers Find Their Voice and Get a Seat at the Table

If you lead a shopper marketing team in today's CPG enterprise, you are most certainly familiar with the identity crisis this position comes with. 

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“It’s All in my head” - Why Shopper Marketers Can’t Keep Up

“I am working 11-12 hours a day since COVID hit and am still not keeping up,” says a Director of Marketing for National Accounts at a beverage manufacturer.

Rather than the exception, the “always on” feeling is wearing on shopper marketers as more...

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How I Quit My Shopper Marketing Job To Start A Software Company

For the last couple of years, I have been doing podcast interviews with former CPGers who are running their own businesses. Recently, one of my subscribers half-jokingly told me "Don't forget to interview yourself!".

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Why Shopper Marketing Does Not Belong In TPM

Shopper marketers across CPG share common horror stories about the pains of budgeting, managing, reconciling and reporting on their programs.

Too time consuming. Too manual. Too siloed. Too complicated.

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Can Shopper Marketing Analytics Answer the ROI Question?

Like most shopper marketers, you are working hard to create the best plans with the budget that you have that satisfy your brand team expectations and drive sales at your retailers making your sales team happy. Don’t forget about how you are also...

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COVID Update - 6 Things to Do If Your Marketing Budget is Underspent

Regardless if the COVID pandemic meant you couldn't keep your product on the shelves or you quickly had to readjust your projections, shopper marketing programs overwhelmingly were paused or cancelled in the last 6 months. For many shopper marketers...

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Retail Media - Win or Whine for Shopper Marketers

With promises of greater personalization and targeting capacity backed by point of sale data, retailers are inviting consumer goods marketers closer to shoppers with the launch of their own retail media platforms. 

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CPG Marketing Analytics - Benchmarking Study

CPG Marketing teams have long strived to quantify the results of their programs to show their business impact. As companies prioritize analytical capabilities and demand more accountability of their marketing investments, marketers are being asked...

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