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After more than 15 years in Consumer Packaged Goods industry, I became a software entrepreneur. Today, I design and sell Shopperations, a web-based, collaborative planning software for Marketers on both CPG and Retail sides, to enable transparency, accountability and stronger Shopper Marketing promotional analytics. I am passionate about all things Retail and Shopper Marketing, love reading about Neuroscience progress as it relates to shopper research, and care about process improvement and marketing automation technology.

Recent Posts


Introducing Shopperations Marketing Briefs

Have you ever wondered which one of the 14 versions of your marketing brief is the 'real' one?

Is your team using briefs inconsistently or relies on multiple versions of the brief template?

Are you having trouble finding the brief documents for many...

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CPGers Who Rock it as Entrepreneurs

This podcast series has been in the works for a long time. In my five years long entrepreneurial journey, I met several people who became my inspiration, my mentors and simply good friends because we shared a life-defining common experience:

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What's Trending at P2P Summit 2019?

Before every P2P Summit or P2P Expo, we publish a word cloud that visualizes their agendas' top keywords. Check out what's trending for the upcoming P2P Summit that is scheduled to kick off in Ft. Lauderdale less than two weeks from today!

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9 Steps To Guided Decentralization Of Shopper Marketing

The U.S. Army War College introduced the concept of VUCA to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world perceived as resulting from the end of the Cold War.

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What Are Shopper Marketing Spending Principles?

In the CPG industry, marketing has long been viewed as an “art,” driven by creative talent and sparks of insight that are hard to control, predict, and manage.

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7 MarTech Conference Insights for CPG Marketers

When I worked in the CPG space, I thought I knew something about MarTech. MarTech startups popped up right and left, some of them pitched business to us, others made news because they were acquired by our retail customers or our media partners. But...

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Rachel Williams - Shopper Marketing Hero

This month, United States celebrates Women's History Month, therefore, I am dedicating March articles to women in Shopper Marketing who are making our industry's history.

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Critical Future skills for CPG marketers - Podcast interview feat. Brian Harris

Here it is, the final installment of my series,  with the esteemed Dr Brian Harris.  So far we have discussed where the industry is heading, how Shopper Marketers can replicate CatMan success and today we look to the future.

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Replicating CatMan Success in Shopper Marketing - Podcast Interview Feat. Brian Harris

Last week, I released Shopperations' debut podcast featuring Dr. Brian Harris, where we spoke about the direction that he sees retail and CPG industry will heading towards.

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7 Things Retail Marketers Wish Brands Knew

I wrote a couple of “Things I Wish...” blogs over the last couple of years (check them out here and here), and they’ve been very well received. I have been getting suggestions on what other similar posts I should write.

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Free ebook How to build modern Shopper Marketing Capability
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